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Get to Know Us


What I love about Faith is the deep commitment and sharing of its members.
There is such a "family" feel to it. This was not present in my previous congregation.


Nancy Wells


Our History


A “mission in formation,” Faith Lutheran Church was born in 2019. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, a small group of people set about building a new faith community. The resulting Faith Lutheran community strives to be transparent and congregation-focused, coming together in the strength of our faith and our passion for helping others.​


When you come to Faith Lutheran, you are free to…​


  • Assemble around God’s Holy Word and precious sacraments — without the distractions that sometimes come from much larger congregations.

  • Focus on Christ’s commands to love and serve God and our neighbor through weekly worship and our global, domestic, and local ministries.

  • And become intimately united with a like-minded group of Lutherans bound together by a common faith, discipleship, and service.​


What about our future? We are not sure where God is leading us, but we love who we have become and hope to be a blessing to our community in Wilmington, NC.

Faith Lutheran Church WIlmington NC group

Our Mission

The two-fold mission of Faith Lutheran Church is to (1) invite people to the discipleship of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Gospel and (2) obey our Lord’s command to love God and neighbor by serving local, national, and global communities with our time, talents, and resources.


Ministries & Involvement

At Faith Lutheran Church, we believe growing in our faith is a team effort. We do not rely on the capabilities of a single pastor. Every member plays a vital role in our worship services and mission projects.


There are many ways for our members to become involved with our church services – as a lector (reader), communion server, worship musician, choir member, and more!


OR, you can always participate in one of our many ongoing mission projects. Some of our
existing ministries include…



Interested in an involvement opportunity? Fill out a sign-up sheet at our next service.

Faith Lutheran Wilmington volunteers

Our Values

Holy Bible image Faith Lutheran Church Wilmington NC

Centered on Christ

We confess the apostolic faith in Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures. We affirm Scripture as the sole source and norm of faith and life, treating it as a light to – rather than a reflection of – the world.

We are free in Christ, recognizing Christ’s death, resurrection, and grace as the sole reason for our formation and salvation. Our common bond is the gift of faith that strengthens and keeps us. We realize that if not for God’s presence through the Holy Spirit, there would be no Faith Lutheran Church.


We believe the mission of Faith Lutheran Church is to invite people into the fruitful discipleship of Jesus Christ. To do this, we make concerted efforts to proclaim the Gospel across our local, national, and global communities.


We take our Lord’s command to love God and our neighbor very seriously. That’s why we spend so much of our time, talents, and resources serving those in need. We love being directly connected to mission work – without a national church body influencing the direction or extent of our gifts.

Faith Lutheran Church Wilmington mission driven
Book of Concord Faith Lutheran Church Wilmington NC

Grounded in Tradition

We affirm the ecumenical creeds and the faithful witness of the Lutheran Church across time and space. At Faith Lutheran, we offer a blended worship experience – utilizing traditional Lutheran liturgies AND adding contemporary Christian music.


United in the love of our Lutheran roots, we reject the notion of trying to be all things to all people. Instead, we delight and embrace our Lutheran heritage.

Congregationally Focused

All of our services are congregationally led and focused. Each week, we gather around the Word and the Lutheran sacraments, celebrating the priesthood of all believers. We accept the responsibility of the mission of Christ’s church as individuals AND as a collective group.


In all we do, we strive to adopt a spirit of servanthood and love toward one another. We bring the values of transparency, communication, and accountability to all of our church operations. Last but not least, we do our best to encourage one another to serve with the gifts that God has bestowed upon us.


Want to become a member? Join us for a service!

Congregation image

Faith Lutheran Supports

Congo Mission International

Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc.

Lutheran Bible Translators

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard

NALC Disaster Relief

Nourish NC

SMI Haiti

Service Time

Worship & Holy Communion
9:30 a.m.

Coffee & Fellowship
10:30 a.m.

Christian Education
10:45 a.m.

Worshipping Location

311 Judges Rd - 2B
Wilmington, NC 28405

Phone: 910-399-7813

Members Of

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
north american lutheran church logo logo

© Copyright 2024 Faith Lutheran Church - Wilmington. All rights reserved.

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